Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Translation :S

Translation: Ribosomes use mRNA as blueprint to synthesize amino acids which form proteins.

-64 codon combinations
-61 code for amino acids
-3 code for stop codon
-20 amino acids
-Wobble Effect: 3rd position of codon is flexible
-->prevents mutations

1. Initiation
i. Ribosome recognizes the 5' cap and binds to it. It contains a large and a small subunit.
ii. Ribosome moves along mRNA.
iii. Translation begins when ribosome reads AUG (start codon).
iv. tRNA delivers Met to the P-site. There is an anti-codon on the tRNA, which is complementary to the codon on mRNA.

2. Elongation
i. A 2nd tRNA carrying an amino acid enters the A-site. Hydrogen bond is formed between the codon and the anicodon (by elongation factors).
ii. Peptide bond is formed between the amino acids.
iii. The petide chain is transfered to the A-site. 1st tRNA leaves the P-site.
iv. tRNA moves from A-site to P-site with the codon (translocation). New codon is available at the A site. 1st tRNA leaves the ribosome at the E-site.
Note: mRNA is read from 5' to 3', codon by codon.

3. Termination
i. Translation stops when the ribosome reads the stop codon (UGA, UAG, UAA).
ii. Release factor hydrolyzes the bond between the polypeptide and the tRNA at the P site.
iii. The polypetide is released :)

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