Friday, February 11, 2011


1. Cytosol
A semi-liquid found in the cytoplasm that contains microfillaments of the cytoskeleton (the supporting structure). It is where most cellular metabolism occurs.

2. Germ cells
Reproductive cells.

3. Diploid
A cell that contains 2 pairs of chromosomes (2n). For humans (under normal conditions), n=23, so 2n=46.

4. Hapoid
A cell that contains 1 complete set of chromosomes (n). For humans (under normal conditions), n=23.

5. Cytokinesis
A process in mitosis. It takes place in telophase. A cleavage furrow is formed at the center of the cell. The cell is then divided into 2 identical cells.

6. Histones
Proteins that are responsible for the structure of the chromotin and packaging of DNA into chromosomes.

7. Cell plates
A structure that is developed at the center of the cell during cytokinesis. It separates the chromosomes.

8. Chromatin
A mass that contains DNA and protein that will condense to form chromosomes during mitosis.

9. Sister chromatids
Single-stranded chromosomes that are identical and are connected by a centromere.

10. Homologs
One of a pair of chromosomes. In a pair of chromosomes, one homolog is from father and the other is from mother.

11. mRNA
Responsible for protein synthesis. It is attached to the DNA template during transcription. During translation, it binds to ribosome (sugar). At the same time, it serves as the binding site for tRNA. tRNA attaches 3 nucleotides to the corresponding sites on the mRNA.

12. Prokaryotes
-do not have cell nuclei
-do not have organelles surrounded by membranes
-DNA is concentrated in the nucleoid, but no membrane separates this part from the rest of the cell

13. Eukaryotes
-contains a cell nuclei
-have organelles surrounded by membranes
-some contains chloroplasts
-DNA is concentrated in the nucleus

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