Tuesday, February 8, 2011


1. T. H. Morgan
-observed eye colors of fruit flies
Expected PhenotypesObserved Phenotypes
P1 Red ♀ × P1 White ♂ F1 = All RedF1 = All Red*
F1 Red ♀ × F1 Red ♂
75% Red ♀ and ♂
25% White ♀ and ♂
50% Red ♀
25% Red ♂
25% White ♂

Reference: http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/thomas-hunt-morgan-and-sex-linkage-452
-all white-eyed flies were males
-the white-eye allele is recessive and is located on the X chromosome
-Males have white eyes because they only have 1 X chromosome. If the white-eye allele is inherited, it becomes dominant. (Well, not exactly dominant. But that's the only allele for eye color it has, right?)
i. Genes are located on chromosomes
ii. Either protein or DNA codes for the genetic information

2. Hershey and Chase
The experiment:
Purpose: To illustrate the relation between DNA and heredity and to demonstrate that DNA is the genetic material
i. Allow phages to attack a bacterial cell. Their proteins are radioactively labelled.
ii. Allow a second group of phages to infect a bacterial cell. Their DNA is radioactively labelled.
i. Phages produced by the 1st cell were not radioactive.
ii. Phages produced by the 2nd cell were radioactive

DNA is the genetic material that is passed from generation to generation.
check this out!!

3. Frederick Griffith
The experiment of transformation:
R strain --> rough --> harmless
S strain --> smooth --> fetal
Inject the strain(s) into mice
Trial 1: S strain is injected
Trial 2: R strain is injected
Trial 3: S strain is killed (by heat) and injected
Trial 4: Dead S strain and alive R strain are injected
Trial 1: The mouse would die.
Trial 2: The mouse would live.
Trial 3: The mouse would live.
*Trial 4: The mouse would live.
Trial 1: The mouse died.
Trial 2: The mouse lived.
Trial 3: The mouse lived.
*Trial 4: The mouse died.
The injection caused a change in genotype and phenotype. This process is called transformation.

4. Erwin Chargaff
-discovered the 4 bases of DNA
Purines (double-ringed): adenine, guanine
Pyrimidines (single-ringed): thymine, cytosine
% T = % A
% G = % C
Each species has a distinct DNA composition.

5. Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin
-studied the structure of DNA according the diffraction pattern of X-ray

6. Watson and Crick

-studied Wilkins and Franklin's research
-Purine + Pyrimidine
-diameter = 2 nm

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